Photo Galery

Please, see some photos taken in Bandiagara II

Some photos were obtained during the mission from the 10th to the 19th of February 2023, showing Bandiagara II, Koutiala, Mali landscape and socio-economic aspects.

Some georeferenced photos recorded using Iphone 12 mini smartphone with the GPSMapCamera app (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4).

Geotagged photograph illustration, groundwater water well location, Bandiagara II Village.

Figure 1: Geotagged photograph illustration, groundwater water well location, Bandiagara II Village.

Geotagged photograph illustration, old mosque view, Bandiagara II Village.

Figure 2: Geotagged photograph illustration, old mosque view, Bandiagara II Village.

Geotagged photograph illustration, location of adobe brick production area, Village Bandiagara II Village.

Figure 3: Geotagged photograph illustration, location of adobe brick production area, Village Bandiagara II Village.

Geotagged photograph illustration, location of cemetery, Bandiagara II Village.

Figure 4: Geotagged photograph illustration, location of cemetery, Bandiagara II Village.